If we travel through time, going back to ancient Greece, we will witness the creation of certain concepts and ideas regarding politics (Democracy), festivals (e.g. Olympic Games), mathematics (Euclidean Geometry), philosophy, theater (Greek Tragedy), architecture (Parthenon), music (musica universalis and Pythagorean tuning), battle strategies etc.
All these concepts had one foundation:
The geometrical foundation of the 27 symbols (a.k.a letters) of the Ellania (Greek) language, originating from the main Alpha and Omega Symbols illustrated below:


It is important to note here that the above symbols are the universal ones, while these: Α & Ω are the symbols of the Human.
These two symbols apart from their square form illustrated above, they could transform into a circular symbol like this:

These two symbols created the other 25 symbols, through their square or circular form (to learn more about this, you may click here).
Alpha and Omega were the end-points of a line, where this line included the remaining 25 symbols of the so-called Greek Alphabet (the true name of the Greek Alphabet is "Ellania Alpha-Omega Script). And upon this line, the entire Greek civilization was created.
If we see the relationship between these two symbols, we will see that they are in fact the same but also different and opposite, as if there is a cosmic-mirror that reflects their reversed (but equal) identity.
Additionally, we notice that each symbol consists of seven lines or circles, depending on their respective square and circular form.
Why seven??
Seven symbolises many aspects of our lives and the world that surrounds us, such as the seven days of the week, the seven colors in the spectrum of a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), seven music notes and more.

Note: Pythagoras developed a symmetric system based on D-tuning (Re-tuning)
Why I say all of this? The whole world is falling apart and nobody has the time for that. World has lost its rhythm, people's hearts beat with no steady pulse since we are all worried about what is happening. Out of tune societies with grey colors, where people are fighting against each other....
We must stop this. We are not enemies. We must look ourselves into the mirror and see what is truly at fault.
We must see through the mirror, like Alpha and Omega, like Do with Sol, Mi with Si and Fa with La. This way, you will see something opposite and different, but also the same. You will see your fellow human who is different than you, but they have the same needs as you do.
This is even re-flected in your physiology and anatomy, like the different parts of your body and face: your left eye with your right eye (Do & Sol) where you see the colors (vision), your left ear with your right ear (Mi & Si) where you hear the music (hearing), the right and the left nostrils (Fa & La) where you smell the fragrant smells of your colorful environment.
Through these senses you will feel and sing, using your voice (mouth) and re-store, re-set and re-start the world around you (middle note Re). This will only happen, when you re-flect yourself in the mirror.
We also notice that our face has seven holes/openings connected to our brain, where we feel the world around us with our five senses.
This is how ancient Greeks saw their culture: through the 27 symbols and especially through the reversed, different, opposite but same Alpha and Omega symbols that mirrored each other creatively.
Ancient Greeks saw the 27 symbols as frequency forces. Therefore, they utilized this forces and created various concepts and ideas on different fields such as in science, astronomy, philosophy, poetry etc
That is why these symbols (a.k.a letters) are used in physics and mathematics (e.g. pi = 3,14), or even in neuroscience expressing brainwaves (alpha waves, beta waves etc) and showing the rhythmic patterns of neural activity in the central nervous system.
This foundation of the Greek language is actually the reasoning thought process based on proof (geometry) that characterizes the ancient Greek civilization. Also, the ancient Greek language was a musical language, characterized by music inflection. This is how ancient Greek Tragedy occured that later gave birth to Opera.
And this is the "Schenkerian" analysis (how musicians would call it) of the Greek language based on Reason.
Let's see this word for a moment
Rea - Son....The Son of Rea.....
Rea (Or Rhea), in the Greek mythology, is the Mother of Zeus. Her Son Zeus is perceived as the God of Logic, while Rea (or Rhea) is perceived as the one that flows, hence the word "rhythm".
Now, if we look deeper into the two syllables of the word Rea-son, we will see the following:
Re-a = Music note Re and Alpha (see the picture with the music notes and see the connection of the Alpha and Epsilon vowels that compose the notes Fa-Re-La)
Son = the reversed is "Nos" (if we actually reflect this through a mirror). "Nos" is essentially the word "Nous" meaning "Mind" in the Greek language. And if we look more closely into the previous picture that illustrates the 27 symbols, we will see that the symbol "Nu" (N) and the symbol "Sigma" (S) are actually the same symbol but they are rotated differently upon paper.
Do you see the opposite and reversed relationship here?
Do you now realise what you need to do?
There is one man upon this planet who re-minded to all of us the greatness of Alpha and Omega.
This knowledge belongs to every human being upon this planet. This is a matter of humanity and not a matter of Greece.
Therefore, we invite all our brothers and sisters to be part of this ancient Greek heritage. We are humans after all.
All we ask for is unity!
Artemis Sorras, the man who re-minded us this knowledge, is fighting for the re-storation of Justice. He is fighting every day, even imprisoned in the Korydallos prison for two years now. He has written thousands of pages and he continues.
The only way to fix this is to realise what the words Democracy, Justice, Truth, Logic, Reason, Music actually mean through their symbols.
We, the Greeks, are fighting for Justice with Artemis Sorras. That is why we translate his Texts and spread the word of Reason.
Here you will find some of his Texts translated into the English Language: https://www.aitherikigrafi.gr/sacred-ellania-texts

Great honor and respect to Artemis Sorras

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